Energy-saving tips for your home or office
If we do our part throughout our everyday routines, we will make sure we are doing our part for the environment. There are many energy-saving tips you can bring to your home or office.
Here are five of our main tips!
1. Turn off your air conditioner when the room is not being occupied
If the room is being occupied and the air conditioner is on, always close doors to rooms that have been set at specific temperatures like closets or bathrooms, this will use up less energy. When you turn off the air conditioner, always unplug it!
2. Make sure to unplug all of the electronic devices that are not being used.
For example, turn off your computer, printer and other electronics when you are not in the office and left for the evening. You can also use the energy-saving features that are on most electronics. These will either turn themselves off or have a sleep mode so they can turn themselves on to be used again. This will save energy by not having to keep the computer, printer and other electronics plugged in for an entire night.
3. Turn off lights when your room is not being occupied. You can also switch out incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent lights, use LED light fixtures as well as use a microwave rather than an oven to reheat food. Microwave ovens use less energy than regular ovens to reach the same heat without cooking the foods for long.
4. Use a clothesline or electric drying rack to dry your clothes rather than using the dryer.
Turning on the dryer uses energy and is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. If you do decide to use a dryer, you can use low heat or air fluff because they use less energy than drying them in high heat which can damage your clothes.
5. Keep the thermostat at low pressure.
With the low pressure, you will not have to worry about wasting energy and you will be comfortable in the home or office.
The average person produces two tonnes of carbon dioxide, this amount is estimated to grow by 2% a year because of the increasing growth in population and travel. The increase in carbon dioxide creates what is known as greenhouse gases, which causes the earth to retain heat. This leads to global warming which can change weather patterns and create major environmental problems. This is why we need to change our habits in order to save the earth.